My Blog

Go Within or Go Without
If you feel stuck, lost or doomed to less then desirable lot in life I am happy to share good news. You’re not stuck! No matter what you may be going through know that you have the power to change. There was a time in life I found myself standing in a shattered world...

Shift Happens: The Power of Self-Love
I’ve been to rock bottom wondering how the heck it happened. In 2006, I experienced devastation beyond anything I could have imagined. For six years, I studied Shamanism with a teacher who I trusted with my life. When we first met, I was coming from a 7-year run in...

Just Hit Send – The Miracle of Meeting my Husband
At the age of 33, after spending years in dysfunction and abusive relationships, I came face to face with the need to make a serious choice. Arriving at a fork in the road, I could have remained in the comfort of my misery but instead the Angels that guide me...